Building a Click Bot with Django: Automate Mouse Clicks Easily


In the realm of automation, a click bot can be a game-changer for repetitive tasks. Whether you’re testing applications or automating interactions, a click bot can save you hours of manual work. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through creating a simple yet effective click bot using Django. This tool will allow you to control mouse clicks through a web interface, offering functionalities to start, stop, and pause clicking with just a few keystrokes.


Our click bot leverages Django for the web interface and pynput for handling mouse and keyboard inputs. By combining these technologies, we create a powerful automation tool that runs in the background and is easily controlled via keyboard shortcuts. Here’s what you will learn to accomplish:

  • Creating a Django web interface to control the click bot.
  • Implementing background clicking using Python threads.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts to manage the clicking process.

Installation and Setup

Before diving into the code, ensure you have the necessary tools installed and set up. Follow these steps to get everything ready:

  1. Install Django:
    If you don’t have Django installed, you can easily add it to your environment using pip:
   pip install django
  1. Install pynput:
    This library is essential for controlling mouse and keyboard inputs:
   pip install pynput
  1. Create a Django Project:
    Begin by creating a new Django project and an app within it:
   django-admin startproject myproject
   cd myproject
   python startapp clickbot
  1. Configure Django Settings:
    Add the clickbot app to your INSTALLED_APPS in
  1. Create the View and URL Configuration:
    Define the view and URL configuration for the click bot within your Django app.

from django.shortcuts import render
import time
import threading
from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller
from pynput.keyboard import Listener, KeyCode

# Global variables for controlling the click process
stop_key = KeyCode(char='s')  # Press 's' to stop clicking
pause_key = KeyCode(char='p')  # Press 'p' to pause/resume clicking
clicking_active = False  # Controls whether the clicking is active
paused = False  # Controls whether the clicking is paused

# Function to handle clicking in a background thread
def click_in_background(mouse, delay, clicks, status_callback):
    global clicking_active, paused
    clicking_active = True

    clicks_done = 0
    for _ in range(clicks):
        if not clicking_active:
            break  # Stop clicking if the stop key is pressed

        while paused:
            time.sleep(1)  # Wait while paused
        clicks_done += 1
        status_callback(clicks_done)  # Update status

    clicking_active = False  # End clicking process

# Function to listen for the stop and pause/resume keys
def on_press(key):
    global clicking_active, paused
    if key == stop_key:
        clicking_active = False  # Stop clicking when the 's' key is pressed
        return False  # Stop the listener
    elif key == pause_key:
        paused = not paused  # Toggle pause/resume state

# Main view for handling the click bot
def click_bot(request):
    message = ""  # Initialize an empty message to pass to the template
    status_message = ""  # Initialize status message to display updates
    clicks_done = 0  # Initialize clicks done counter

    if request.method == 'POST':
        delay = request.POST.get('delay')
        clicks = request.POST.get('clicks')

        if not delay or not clicks:
            message = 'Error: Delay or number of clicks not provided.'
            return render(request, 'click_bot.html', {'message': message, 'status_message': status_message})

            delay = float(delay)
            clicks = int(clicks)

            # Ensure the user has time to focus on the screen

            mouse = Controller()

            # Function to update the status message
            def update_status(clicks_done_count):
                nonlocal clicks_done
                clicks_done = clicks_done_count
                status_message = f'Clicks done: {clicks_done}/{clicks}'
                return status_message

            # Run clicking in a background thread
            click_thread = threading.Thread(target=click_in_background, args=(mouse, delay, clicks, update_status))

            # Start the keyboard listener to detect the stop and pause/resume keys
            with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:

            if clicking_active:
                message = 'Clicking completed successfully.'
                message = 'Clicking stopped.'

        except Exception as e:
            message = f'Error: {str(e)}'

    return render(request, 'click_bot.html', {'message': message, 'status_message': status_message, 'clicks_done': clicks_done})

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.click_bot, name='click_bot'),


Code Breakdown

Here’s a detailed look at the core components of the click bot:

  1. Global Variables and Functions:
  • stop_key and pause_key: Define keyboard shortcuts to control the clicking process.
  • click_in_background: Manages

the clicking logic in a background thread, handling the number of clicks and delay.

  • on_press: Listens for keyboard events to stop or pause the clicking process.
  1. View Function: The click_bot view processes user inputs from the web form, starts the clicking process in a background thread, and listens for keyboard events to control the bot. Here’s how it works:
  • It retrieves the delay and number of clicks from the POST request.
  • If the inputs are valid, it initializes the mouse controller and starts the clicking process in a separate thread.
  • It also starts a keyboard listener to handle stop and pause/resume commands.
  1. Template Rendering: The view renders a template (click_bot.html) to display the status and manage user interactions. This template should include a form for users to specify the delay and number of clicks, and it will also show the current status of the clicking process.

Putting It All Together

To complete your click bot, you need to create a simple HTML form to interact with your Django view. Here’s a basic example of what your click_bot.html template might look like:

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